Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Holding onto what's not yours...

I think I just had the greatest conversation with a student; one that is caring and concerned not only about the people around her, but the representation that she and the others have in the world about Christ. She started the conversation out by asking how to explain to someone that was once hurt, that people aren't really like that. And it got me to thinking...

I know that in a world that strives on hurt and pain, and if you don't agree look at the world's television shows - they are full of it and only teach our younger generation to come that's all they have to live for, we tend to carry things that we shouldn't carry. It easy to pick up a hurt here and some bitterness there, or a bit of angry over yonder, but those are things I believe that we were never intended to carry; things such as hurts, pains, bitterness, lonliness, depression, anxiety, insecurities, ... oh, man, the list could keep going. But we aren't built to carry those things in life - and we do anyways. We've never been properly taught, or if we have - we've ignored the advice and wisdom around us, and still hold onto it.

Those things were never ours to carry. They were never ours to bare, or even share with others. In Matthew 11, Jesus states to those around him, "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." The things of this world is a burden that is much heavier than the burden Jesus gives us. It doesn't wear you out or get you to hold onto the negative things in life that eventually tear you down. They are easy, they are enjoyable, they are comforting and they bring peace and hope to any situation. Jesus carryed that burden for us down an old dusty road, with a huge wooden, splintered cross on his back.

I used the example to this student, that if someone was carrying around hurt it was like carrying a dead body on their back for the rest of their lives, and eventually the dead decaying body will start to take over the living body - you - and spread the desease of death. I sure don't want that, and I don't think you do either. I believe that we each strive so hard in life to make sure we don't end up carrying a dead weight or burden, and we miss it. We end up carrying it. But there are some of us that start noticing others dead weight, before we will even noticed our own. That's called "Seeing the speck in your neighbor's eye, before you noticed the freaking log in your own" (Paraphased Jamie Style) - Get over yourself. No one is perfect! That's why He carryed that cross! That's why there's a huge thing called FORGIVENESS, given to us. That's why he told us not to take on other's burdens but to carry his yoke... because he knew, but our human nature we would find fault in others, before we came to reality with ourselves.

So my question is not really just for you, but for all of us: what are you holding onto that Jesus didn't intend for you to carry? What log is sticking out of your eye? and why haven't you noticed it before you noticed someone else's? What hurt or bitterness have you been keeping deep down in the depths of your soul and spirit, and not releasing forgiveness so the other person may suceed in their God chosen lives? (oh, man! That's a whole new blog!)

I challenge you today to find one situation in your life that needs attention. That situtation you just thought about that's like a dead weight on your back, you think about it all the time, and you've just now realized its holding you back, but also holding them back. Forgiveness is the key. That's what made it possible for us not to have to carry a burden our human bodies and minds weren't designed to carry. Its liberating. It's worth it. It's about seeing restoration and hope built up... renew your relationships - through off the dead weight.

And Love Shall Reside...

"God is love. When we take up permanent residence in a life of love, we live in God and God lives in us. This way, love has the run of the house, becomes at home and mature in us, so that we're free of worry on Judgment Day—our standing in the world is identical with Christ's. There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love." 1 John 4:17-18 (The Message)

I've walked through life and at points have felt no love. I've walked through life and at moments have felt what I thought was love. And more recently, I've walked through life and have began to understand love in a new aspect. Each of us, no matter what lifestyle we've lived, or what hand we've been dealt, have all sought out a true, pure love that will accept us under any circumstances.

God has definitely shown me new ways I need to increase my knowledge of His love. There are really two perspectives and one isn't so clear to us all the time. Our perspective on Love will always change. It will change when our emotions get in the way; it will change when people come and go; it will change when we find a new flavor of ice cream we "love". We are human beings and react on emotions that eventually change our perspective on life and unfortunely, that changes our view on love on a whim.

And then there are those of us that have been shown love in an unpure manner. You've been abused and used; left in the dust for someone else to pick up the pieces of your broken heart; or as a child you saw your parents display love in a twisted view. Images and lifestyles are one thing we can not base the true definition of love off of. They will always steer you wrong. But as it reads in 1 John 4, God is love and His perspective (the second one) is one we can trust and base our sound knowledge off of. He never changes. He is not a roller coaster of emotions or "must have in order to"'s. He is a solid foundation to reside upon.

The moment we know God, we gain a portion of knowledge and concept of what true love is. At our moment of Salvation, we will never know the depths and fullness of the Love God has for us. He so desires to know us inside and out... through us telling Him. He already knows us. He created us. But the trueness of His love only comes when we are willingly open to the hand of the Father reaching inside of our hearts and removing those things that hinder the purpose of His love. His love resides in us; it matures in us; it cultivates in us. And in those moments of fear, His love and touch comes in like a flood and washes over us to bring us comfort and peace. His Love never changes for us, so why does our love change for Him so much?

Moral of my note tonight: Don't let your guard be so strong that you miss the love of God that is supposed to reside in your heart. Don't let the past keep Him out from removing the fear and insecurities in your life. Don't forget that there will always be grace and mercy, but along with that you need His wisdom and knowledge. Don't let your past get in the way of your future. Don't be uneased at the God who wants to know you; that desires to know you. Embrace it. Let Him hold you in the deepest hours of your life... and rejoice with you when you've walked through that season of lonliness and refining.

He Loves You.