Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I love finding Old Poems....

I’m a pawn, lifeless in the hands of the Master.
I’m emotionless to any touch of my surroundings.
Through time my heart has harden in a world of pain,
Loosing compassion; self preservation I’ve tried to gain.

A spirit bruised and walking in hurt.
My mind has become shattered, full of confusion.
My desperate soul; not wanting to be alone.
I feel like a withering rose, hidden under a heavy vase.
Seeing in the mirror a reflection of hidden beauty;
Blinded to my own eyes;
There’s a voiceless song; unspoken because of a deadly fear.

Father, bring your glory back into this very life.
Break off the chains that bind me.
Bring back the hidden things, let them surface in me.
Take this lifeless Child of God and make me whole.
Let me see the vivdness of color in my dreams once again.
In the depths of my soul, let me find the treasure you’ve
Hidden deep within me.
Bring the mindful struggles to an end and let peace reign in
My heart, spirit and soul once more.

Let a voice arise that the children of God might here of
Your glory and see the hand of a King, who rescues me.
Bring your life back to this child. Let me feel your touch,
Soften my heart and let me see you.

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